If you’re a magical art lover who happens to be in New York City sometime between January 12th and February 13th, you might want to check out Language of the Birds: Occult and Art.
Curated by Pam Grossman at the 80WSE Gallery, New York University, this is sure to be a fabulous show for both art and occult aficionados alike.
It features over 60 modern and contemporary artists who have let their magical practice lead them on their artistic journey. From Aleister Crowley’s Tarot paintings and Austin Osman Spare’s automatic drawings of the 1920s, to Leonora Carrington and Kurt Seligmann’s surrealist explorations, to Kenneth Anger and Ira Cohen’s ritualistic film and photography, to the work of contemporary visionaries like Francesco Clemente, Kiki Smith, Paul Laffoley, BREYER P-ORRIDGE, and Carol Bove.
It’s sure to be a very interesting experience. If you’re in the area, go see it!
For more information, including special events being held throughout the month, visit the Language Of The Birds website → languageofthebirds.org.